API migration

To improve performance, stability and scalability we have created a new, dedicated API endpoint.
Please update now, just change https://keyword.io/api/... to https://api.keyword.io/... in your code and you're done!

api Created with Sketch.

With keyword.io PRO, you get full access to

Our longtail keywords API

This API gives you hundreds of longtail keywords from sources like Google Autosuggest, Amazon, Youtube and many more in all the languages these platforms support.

Our related keywords API

Directly tap into our 120+ million keyword database and find longtail keywords and semantically related keywords, including monthly search volume and CPC prices.

Our keywords stats API

You want to lookup up to date search volume and more for English keywords? If it's in our database of 120+ million keywords, you can get it with a simple bulk request!

Not a PRO user yet?

Subscribe Now

Longtail Keyword API

Be among the first to use it to get hundreds to thousands of longtail keywords from:

  • Google
  • Bing
  • Amazon
  • Youtube
  • Google Play Store
  • Wikipedia
  • Ebay
  • Alibaba
  • Fiverr

Integrate our easy to use JSON REST API into your workflow, tools and spreadsheets. It's ridiculously simple. You get a token, make a request and get easy to consume JSON

How do you use the longtail keyword API?

Pretty simply actually. We use a proven and simple REST endpoint which returns easy to parse JSON data. You just set a few parameters, the API token you receive when you sign up and are good to make your first requests!

You can specify from where you want to get the data (google, amazon, ...) for which audience (the availabe audiences depend on the tool) and of course your seed keyword.

You can even add a list of negative keywords that we'll automatically filter for you!

API Request

The API endpoint is https://api.keyword.io/longtails

There are only 4 parameters you'll have to know:

api_token=API_TOKEN Alternativly, you can put your token in the HTTP header field X-API-TOKEN: API_TOKEN

endpoint=google for getting longtail keywords from google autosuggest

audience=en-us for getting longtail keywords in english for the United States

For a full list of valid endpoints and their respective endpoints please check https://api.keyword.io/longtails/endpoints?api_token=API_TOKEN

q=keyword for your seed keyword

Don't forget to correctly encode keywords with special characters like q=keyword%20research

Now you have all the data you can make a simple request for example with curl:

curl https://api.keyword.io/longtails\?api_token\=API_TOKEN\&q\=test\&audience\=en-us\&endpoint\=google\&reject\=.net,soap

You can easily make this call from any programming language and environment, even from spreadsheets or your browser!

API Response

  "results": [
    "rest api",
    "rest api documentation",
    "rest api example",
    "rest api tutorial",
  results_with_queries": {
    "api a|": ["api acronym", …],
  "rejected": [".net", "soap"]

Need a special format? Let us know, very likely we can easily integrate it for you.

Related Keywords API

Pull thousands and thousands of (english) related keywords from our database directly into your application and get

  • Keyword
  • Monthly global searches
  • Trends for the last 12 months
  • Cost per Click
  • Adwords Competition
  • Confidence level

Integrate our easy to use JSON REST API into your workflow, tools and spreadsheets. It's ridiculously simple. You get a token, make a request and get easy to consume JSON

How do you use the related keyword API?

Again it's super simple. Just send a GET request to our REST endpoint and it returns easy to parse JSON data. You just set the query parameter q with your seed keyword, the API token you receive when you sign up and can make your first requests!

API Request

The API endpoint is https://api.keyword.io/related_keywords

There are only two parameters you'll have to know:

api_token=API_TOKEN Alternativly, you can put your token in the HTTP header field X-API-TOKEN: API_TOKEN

q=test for your seed keyword

Don't forget to correctly URL encode keywords with special characters like q=keyword%20research

Now you have all the data you can make a simple request for example with curl:

curl https://api.keyword.io/related_keywords\?api_token\=API_TOKEN\&q\=keyword%20research

You can add the filters musts, must_nots and topic
musts and must_nots takes a space seperated list of terms, that must or not occur in the returned keywords.
topic accepts a term or phrase that the returned keywords should be in some way related to.

Add the sort parameter to sort the results by almost any metric:
Value Sorted by
keywords that are most likely related to your seed keywords are on top
mixed mix of keywords that are reasonably well related to your seed keyword but also diverse
n_desc/n_asc search volume (descending/ascending)
sb_desc/sb_asc suggested bidding (descending/ascending)
c_desc/c_asc competition (descending/ascending)
nterms_desc/nterms_asc number of terms (descending/ascending)

An example:
curl https://api.keyword.io/related_keywords\?api_token\=API_TOKEN\&q\=keyword%20research\&musts\=seo\&must_nots\=keyword\&sort=n_desc will return the most frequently searched for keywords related to "keyword research", containing the term "seo" but not the term "keyword".

You can easily make this call from any programming language and environment, even from spreadsheets or your browser!

API Response

  "keywords": [
      "kw": "keyword research software",
      "n": 320,
      "monthly": [320,210,…]
      "sb": 3.97,
      "c": 0.504,
      "con": 1

  • kw is your keywords
  • n is the average monthly global search volume for this keyword
  • monthly is the global search volume for the last 12 months
  • sb is th suggested bid for an adwords ad on this keyword in USD
  • c is the adwords competition on this keyword from 0 (low) to 1 (high)
  • con is the confidence we have in this keyword being related to your seed keyword from 1 (very likely to be related) to 0 (might be unrelated)

Need a special format? Let us know, very likely we can easily integrate it for you.

Keywords Stats API

Look up search volume and more for 120+ million english keywords per API:

  • Monthly global searches
  • Trends for the last 12 months
  • Cost per Click
  • Adwords Competition

How do you use the Keyword Stats API?

You make a request either as GET or as a POST request to the same URL with an array for the param keywords. In either case, the API will only allow up to 500 keywords per request.
The rate limiting is shared with the rates for the related keywords API, so you can make up to 1000 calls per day and 10 per minutes to both endpoints combined.

API Request

The API endpoint is https://api.keyword.io/stats

There are only two parameters you'll have to know:

api_token=API_TOKEN Alternativly, you can put your token in the HTTP header field X-API-TOKEN: API_TOKEN

keywords[]=test for up to 500 keywords you want to look up.
Don't forget to correctly URL encode keywords with special characters like keyword[]=keyword%20research

An example: https://api.keyword.io/stats? api_token=API_TOKEN &keywords[]=keyword%20research &keywords[]=keyword%20research%20somethingnoneexisting

API Response

  "keywords": [
      "kw": "keyword research",
      "n": 22000,
      "monthly": [27100, 27100, 27100, …]
      "sb": 2.45,
      "c": 0.3408,
  "not_found": [
    "keyword research somethingnoneexisting"

  • kw is your keywords
  • n is the monthly global search volume for this keyword
  • monthly is the global search volume for the last 12 months
  • sb is th suggested bid for an adwords ad on this keyword in USD
  • c is the adwords competition on this keyword from 0 (low) to 1 (high)

Signup to PRO account now and start getting keyword data!


Don't hestitate to contact us with any question at
